Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Year Comes To A Close
Once again were able to look, not back, but forward with prayer and hope, that 2010 will be a remarkable year for all. The past one was loaded... It was a fast one too. We've experienced the leadership of our first Black President, and the "clean up Policies" he has to endure even beyond this year... Obama has his work cut out for himself and this "Nation". It's been not quite a year yet since the inauguation. Only the time since he'd been president elect Obama and the opposition continues to show their displeasure for his Presidency. As a matter of fact a few Black Professionals, some out of Hollywood (actors) have voiced their their displeasure that Obama has not done enough for "African Americans". The leadership of the CNC (Congresional Black Caucus), has stressed it's concerns too... For cying out loud 342 days he's been in office "Officially", not even a year! He's manage to "squeeze" through, #1. A Major Health Care Bill, that three terms of presidents were unable to deal with. Two were two term Presidencies... He instituted the "Cash For Klunkers" program successfully. He's scaled down the War in Iraq and esculated the war in Afganistan, for reasons it was a pre-existing war before his own office... He's found a new home for the Guantanamo Bay detainees, He's instituted programs for America's Infastructure, Finacial Insitutions bailouts and housing foreclosure restructure, just to name a few things...Nearly sounds like Roosevelt's "New Deal" Programs of 75 years ago, when America was in a depression for real! The thing of it is that the activities I've mentioned, are what's been made public (News). There are things going on that are over shadowed by the bigger issues. As Obama mention in his inauguration address, it's going to take work and for all Americans to work together... That means to get our Public officials to work, on the local level Politics. Keep your elected officials "Busy" Period! That's working together... It's a foreign thing on the commom man's level, where many hear, but don't listen. See, to listen takes a little more effort, then action follows in some capacity. First of all it took 43 Presidents, for many Americans especially African Americans to arrive to one of their own, to emerge as the 44th... The catching up aspect of it all is that European Americans (whites) take for granted the feeling of being "American"... However for a large portion, if not all African Americans (Blacks) is to have an entire month dedicated to Black Culture and achivement. It was to have a holiday in honor of a fallen "Hero" Dr. Martin Luther King... To live the dream, is to feel American, for change! As Obama put it, "Change You Can Believe In"... To make the change, is to give many a chance to make a real change in their lives towards a "New Year". Because change don't come without a challenge... A Challenge and a Prayer! As we "Bail-Out" of the old year and issue in the new one 2010. The Challenge is the work, the Prayer is the blessing of prosperity of good Health, and Economic resitution... As Americans all we can do is go into 2010 with an attitute, a new outlook for change, and do just that. "Change" for the better. As they say, "Out with the Old, In with the New"... Question... Does'nt new usually comes with a change?.. In the cartoon for this Blog, we find President Obama and Uncle Sam. Obama is telling Uncle Sam, that He is only a touch away from the "People"...
Obama: "It's a Blackberry Sam. I let the people voice their concerns on key issues. It's my ear to, "we the People, Sam"...
Uncle Sam: "It's the American way, son! Communicate with the people"...
For sure we are the people facing a new year, 2010 happens to be a big unknown, but we are glad to see it coming... Well at least I am, but who am I. I'm just talking to myself... "Happy New Year".
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
"What In The World?"...
I'm Married...That's the "Wife". Some of you may say, so what! You lucky sap! What were you thinking? Join the club pal... By most male friends, rather associates,as I should term them. Whatever? I'm an advocate of what it's all about. Togetherness... We've admitted to each other that we have attained levels we've never dreamed possible... She says I'm a way out there kind of guy, off into the "Universe". I in turn try my best to bring her along! But she says, she's better off "Down Here On The Ground"! It's the kind of thing many write poems about, others sing songs about, and wish others are "Experiencing" also. Were inside a marriage where falling in Love is repeated over & again. Love that has no measure within this life time, is the only way I can explain it... "It's a Good One". But,
The Draw Backs;
1.An unceremonious let down, of no return.
3.The capasity of "Hate" of Loving again.
Just to mention a few... However loving on this level is more than "Heavenly", and reaches a created ambiance the "Creator" Blessed apond this union. At the same time it takes "Work" and physical effort of eminent passion, with "Sexual" endurance beyond normal exercise. In idea alone, if that's relative... Peace, is the underline aspect of any relationship with any spouse and has to be maintained/respected. I hear my wife calling me twenty times, either in the house, over the cell phone. When it gets to the level of folded arms and tapping foot... Then the ultimate question... What In The World Are You Doing? Or just, "What In The World"? I'm usually put in a state of wonderment looking to find the answer, that'll please as well as solve the ill.
In humor a friend reminded me of my status in most "Post Modern" marriages. Your wife has a career, She makes more money than you, and she is giving! "Appreciate", appreciate her... Give up the "BUM" mentallity, and do all you can to keep her "Happy"... What else can you do? The relization is, I'm thankful to G-D who created this pleasing wonder, that's the object of my whole manly nature, that pleases us completely... What do I know? I'm married, and talking to myself...
The Draw Backs;
1.An unceremonious let down, of no return.
3.The capasity of "Hate" of Loving again.
Just to mention a few... However loving on this level is more than "Heavenly", and reaches a created ambiance the "Creator" Blessed apond this union. At the same time it takes "Work" and physical effort of eminent passion, with "Sexual" endurance beyond normal exercise. In idea alone, if that's relative... Peace, is the underline aspect of any relationship with any spouse and has to be maintained/respected. I hear my wife calling me twenty times, either in the house, over the cell phone. When it gets to the level of folded arms and tapping foot... Then the ultimate question... What In The World Are You Doing? Or just, "What In The World"? I'm usually put in a state of wonderment looking to find the answer, that'll please as well as solve the ill.
In humor a friend reminded me of my status in most "Post Modern" marriages. Your wife has a career, She makes more money than you, and she is giving! "Appreciate", appreciate her... Give up the "BUM" mentallity, and do all you can to keep her "Happy"... What else can you do? The relization is, I'm thankful to G-D who created this pleasing wonder, that's the object of my whole manly nature, that pleases us completely... What do I know? I'm married, and talking to myself...
Monday, December 21, 2009
"Fast Food"...

It has become an American tradition...An art form to be able to serve fast food. The choices are many and crosses cultural diversity, period. There is the drive through or sit down, in minutes your chowing down... In the United States to be on the go, is to stop for a quick bite to eat. A Hamburger and french fries is the most common of the fast foods, pizza is close behind. Back in the day we called the restaurant, the "hamburger joint" which now they are respectfully Mc Donalds & Burger King... The drive thru, makes it so easy to whip in, & whip out, snacking while you drive. Eating on the run and pretty much forgetting to bless your food just before consumption! That's the pace by which many live. I'm not such an advocate of fast food of any kind... However I'm sitting in "Five Guy's" with the wife, enjoying just that, a nice hardy hamburger... It's fast, it's food, and it's good... The thing is were on the go, and time is short. Thank goodness for fast food! I'm a short order cook too... What do I know? I'm just talking to myself.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Education & Political Insight

Get an Education was the one thing that was hammered into my head, growing up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All the siblings in our entire family were subject to the same verbal lashings. Being "Black" (African American) in America. It was The "CRY" of those who came before us that steered the emotions of a people, like a train into the challenge of... What? "The Battle Of Ignorance"... Funny thing about a train. "If your not the Conductor, your just on for the ride"... In 1964 I was ten years old (10). President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill, enabling African Americans to have unobstructed passage throughout society grounding them equal citizenship (the right to vote included) as their (white) European American counterpart. I believe it was Al Sharpton that recently stated "we've only been citizens 45 years" (State Of The Black Union address). Where a 100 years before "Blacks" had won a new found freedom. For many of them the question was "Well, What do we do with it now?" However some years before that, Frederick Douglass dropped the "seed". "Educate the Negro, so he can fight his own fight against bondage." Among many other statements uttered by this great American... Even he had his tolerance, which lead into a string of Educated African Americans. The likes of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois all the way to Martin Luther King Jr., and a whole host of others, a list that will filll a 100,000 blogs... I'll just say "Americans", many unsung heroes for education!
I will have to say the 19th century and early 20th century Victorian years were the straw that broke the camels back in the quest for education of the African American or any American for that matter. Looking back into that time capsule, from 2010-1910, prior to that, the "chess board" so to speak was being set up...For a race of people, a massive struggle took root that would yield an African American taking seat in the most powerful office in the land of America. Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama! Insight into the political arena. What does that say for education? Who's to argue of who is right? Booker T. Washington or W.E.B. DuBois. One an Institute, of hands on education of the application of industry. The other a College, of book education, language and mathematics. Isn't both "Education"? Come to find out both were needed equally for the out come of a technical society as it is now. For the uneducated to be able to spell the word"Institute" is to attend one... If You were to ask, did I attend college? Yes... In and out of various colleges, Institutes, and higher schools of learning, however no degree. Though I'd amount a total of 4 years. I intend on returning. However, education is not limited to the four walls of a classroom. Today one can attend classes on-line by means of computer, and accredited courses from small Institutions. "Google it"... But, who am I (?) I'm talking to my self...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
To Introduce "The Professor"...
Hey everyone I'm "Professor" Saafir...It's a pleasure to be here & Blog your ears off!!! At the moment I'm filing through the things I'd like to say so we may have some "Humor" to our Ho-hum daily activities... Check in with me it'll be a "Blast"...
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