Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Grand Master Plan"...For Real, Not Fake!..

I've been asked so many times, the question of whether or not I believe in , A "Creator"... Do you believe, in the "Creator"? I was just recently asked that very question, of the other (many) times, in my life. Lots... That's a hell of a question, "Buddy/Babe... "YES"... However, I can't let you off the hook that easily, not with-out you hearing at least My opinion... No matter how brief, or how much time do you have? It's just conversation "Babe" Bro. "Ya Know"... Man! As for me, I have Time, "Allah" isn't letting me off the hook of creation, itself. "In fact", of acknowledging who "HE" Is! Without saying or acknowledging, "La-Illa-IL-aha" that's Arabic within-in transliteration meaning, (There's no "Creator" other than "HE")...Also that I profess this in the UL-limah of (Prophet) Muhammad (swa)...May Allah bless him & give him Peace... That's just taking it a step deeper, for those who's lost already...
However I'm clear on that, now I can take it to the first level Period. First of all I refer to the Creator as "Allah" Number One! The English spelling G-O-D read in reverse, says dog... In German "goat" is what it means... I'm not with such slanders, or connotations, of "Allah". Which in my estimation is not needed, what so ever! Talking on the subject of Creation/Creator is serious business. The entire aspect of something being created, mainly the Human Being presents the most intelligent response one can give.
#1. ALLAH Is "ONE"... All Supreme Creator Of All Things, Known & Unknown, First and Foremost...
Nothing is worthy Of Worship Except Allah. That's the way it is, and has been since the beginning of Creation itself... "HE" created You & I, for-crying-out-loud! In reference to "HE" is more of a metaphor for us, due to the linguistics, speaking English no-less, provides... With it's limited expressions for Creator, or "G-D" as most commonly used. However, very mi nut for the attributes, for "Allah" is the proper Name for the Creator, hands down! You say "Allah", that's your first lesson in Arabic/Ara-mahah, some say Ar-Rah-BIA...
Check for your self, let me know? In my discovery, of "Islam" which means "Submission", I embarked on a spiritual journey to have arrived on a "Mountain Top" of worship to Allah.Even Mount Everest is in worship. Thanking Allah for it's grandeur/wonder of being, the tallest, Hughes rock on the planet @ '29,029' ft... Period. It could have been the opposite, "Mount-Ant-Hill"... Even that gives it's reverence to Allah.
I could talk to most people on the subject of "creator/G-D, for hours...But, it better make sense, or I'm out of there!!! Quick! As i drop a "Dime" on your mind buddy...Whole "Nations" have disappeared on the very subject of "HE" Allah. "Allah" tells us that, directly in all scriptures... Even the Archaeologists, the best of them, could-not tell you, where a marker of their Existence remain, period! Not without the permission/Blessing from Allah to do so. That's the way it is for real... That goes for all things, good Brother... The "Grandest works of ART'S, of human living/existence, comes through the human-vessel, only by "Allah". That is why Allah is the Creator of all things period, us included. Don't forget that! The problem becomes, when Man's logic is injected, " Oh, look what I made"... No. "You've made a mess Pal!" Be respectful and clean it up! Ya Bum... Religion... Now there too, is a most confining English word. I mention Islam. Which defies the word Religion, to the weigh of an "Atom", no question.(?) Worship is incorporated into the daily of any human-being, who claims to live "Islam", he is then called "Muslim"... Which to me means Human-Being-submitted-to-Allah, Creator, Lord, G-d, Supreme-Being, or whatever one calls in his/her languages, known/unknown, for that matter. Remember, I'm speaking/writting English. I pray I'm clear so far... So if You call Islam a religion, that's your limited vision. I call it a,"Way-Of-Life" (W.O.L.) abbreviated. "MAN" did not create Islam! All others refered to a religion, well... Rather Oh well... Just for the sake of worldly knowlege, they say there are Three major dominate religions as known... They say, Islam, Christianity, Judaism... These represent the bulk of types of worship... Athyism is a form of worship also... As I said it was a climb to get this stage of my life, and exausting as it is... Besides, Allah says, He Knows All Things. All comes from Allah... There You Have It. In-A-Nut-Shell... Investegate Yourself...
Let me know. What the heck do I know? I'm just sitting here talking to myself... Well the 99 Names of "Allah"... Ask me that.

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